MT4 Tracker can take a Portfolio Expert MQ4 input file, remove (or “prune”) those strategies that have been marked for exclusion, and then regenerate a new Portfolio Expert MQ4 output file. This feature is accessed by selecting the “Excluded Strategies” tab. Please note that this feature only applies to EA Studio’s Portfolio Experts.
Along the left-hand side is the list of strategies (i.e. Magic Numbers) that have been marked to be excluded. The “Before” and “After” stats and charts are also shown. To actually make the changes you will need to enter 3 pieces of information and then press the ‘Apply’ button. The 3 pieces of information are: Base Magic Number, Input Portfolio Expert (MQ4) filename, and Output Portfolio Expert (MQ4) filename.
The chart below shows the result of substituting the original Portfolio Expert with a “pruned” one. This is a live “micro” account. At around trade #58 the original Portfolio Expert was replaced with a new “pruned” version where all strategies with winning percentages less than 80% had been removed.