Portfolio Maker
Combine FSBPro-Generated Strategies Into A Single EA
Forex Strategy Builder Professional is the leading software platform for generating and analyzing advanced MetaTrader strategies. It provides an easy way to build forex strategies by combining various technical indicators, and enables users to create Expert Advisors (EA) that act at several levels -- by using logical groups for the trading rules.
Portfolio Maker is a new tool that allows you to bundle the individual strategies created by Forex Strategy Builder Professional into a single EA. This makes it much easier to manage and trade a portfolio of FSBPro-generated strategies.
Forex Strategy Builder uses a Strategy Generator that creates 1000's of strategies per hour. The best strategies are automtically added to a 'Collection', where they can later be filtered (using a variety of different metrics), refined, back-tested and re-optimized to achieve the best statistics. Once you are satisfied with the results, the source code (*.mq4) for each strategy can be exported as stand-alone Expert Advisor (EA) to be used in the MetaTrader trading platform.
With Forex Strategy Builder you create a "portfolio" of dozens, finely tuned, individual EAs. However, an important limitation of MetaTrader requires that each EA be attached to a separate chart. This creates a new set of problems that traders didn't have to contend with prior to EA portfolios:
- MetaTrader is limited to 100 charts
- Each MetaTrader chart consumes CPU resources -- such that a single instance of a MetaTrader terminal session can consume the majority of a machine's resources and cause it to perform sluggishly
- It is tedious, time-consuming and error-prone to manually create dozens of charts and attach individual EAs
Whereas previously our time and effort was spent on developing one (or a few) profitable EAs, with Forex Strategy Builder Professional we now have a new problem -- how to manage portfolios that include dozens or 100's of strategies. What a great problem to have!! Well -- Portfolio Maker provides a solution. Not only can you now bundle dozens or hundreds of strategies into a single EA, but you can also back test this portfolio EA in MT4's Strategy Tester and also analyze those results using MT4 Tracker. It really doesn't get any better than this...
Portfolio Maker is a Windows application that can be used to bundle individual strategies created by FSB Professional into a single EA. It was developed to complement Popov's software that generates large collections of profitable EAs -- where each EA is attached to its own MT4 chart. There are a number of compelling benefits to be gained by combining a portfolio of individual strategies into a single EA:
Portfolio Maker Features (referring to the resultant portfolio EA):
- The Portfolio EA Requires Only ONE MT4 chart
- The Portfolio EA Can Be Back-Tested Using MT4's Strategy Tester
- The Back-Testing Results Can Be Further Analyzed By MT4 Tracker
Portfolio Maker is an inexpensive ($49 USD) tool that can greatly simplify your your trading and testing workflow. By combining dozens of FSB-generated strategies into a single, portfolio EA it now becomes possible to test all of them at the same time using Strategy Tester (and analyze the results using MT4 Tracker) or in a Demo Account. And when you are ready to go live, you no longer have to manually open dozens of charts and attach each strategy individually -- open one chart and attach the portfolio EA.
For help with using Portfolio Maker, please refer to the online documentation.
The 'Buy Now' button below will take you to a secure checkout. When the transaction completes a message will be sent to your email address with download instructions and a license key. After installing the application, the first time you launch the program it will prompt for the license key. The license key is stored on your machine so that subsequent launches will not require that you again input the license key.