Demo Stats
Pressing the ‘Demo Stats’ button will list the current trading status of those strategies that belong to the current portfolio EA. For example, in the image below, the portfolio EA contains 40 strategies. When the ‘Demo Stats’ button is pressed then the ‘Experts’ tab lists the status of the 16 strategies that have traded so far. And, among those 16 strategies, 5 have 2 or more consecutive wins. If we had instead been using Policy #1 (Win Ratio), then win ratios would have been reported.
Disable (Enable) Trading
Pressing the ‘Disable Trading’ button prevents new positions from being opened. Positions that are currently open will remain open and only close when the appropriate signal is detected.
Disable (Enable) Sidekick
Pressing the ‘Disable Sidekick’ button means the portfolio EA will no longer refer to the shared database when deciding whether or not to open a new position.