Whether you are monitoring an older strategy with many trades or a new strategy with few trades, it is often useful to analyze its most recent performance. For example, when deciding whether or not a strategy is ready to move from a demo to live account, Petko Aleksandrov from Forex Academy recommends the “10 trades / 100 pips” rule. (NOTE: When trading 0.01 lots, 100 pips is roughly equivalent to $10 USD). Alternatively, if a strategy has been trading for awhile and you want to view its most recent performance (in order to decide whether or not to exclude it from a portfolio EA), then it is desirable to view some statistics of its most recent trades. The “Recent Trades” feature allows you to view statistics for all your strategies over their last N trades — where you decide what N is.
To use this feature, right-click in the Statistics grid and a pop-up menu appears — select ‘Most Recent Trades’. A small Dialog box appears where you enter the number of most recent trades — e.g. 10.
When you click ‘OK’, then a new window with a statistics grid appears with the same magic numbers as in the main statistics grid. This new grid is a subset of the main one and displays the statistics for the last N trades — e.g. in the example below, the last 10 trades. If a strategy has fewer than 10 total trades, then those results are the same as in the main grid and are also shown.